map of uganda

flag of uganda uganda location

Dear Friends & Family:

Thank you so much for your prayer support. We experienced the difference it makes to have such a team praying for us. We hope that you felt a part of this trip yourselves as you read these updates & look at these pictures and prayed for the team and us.

For His Glory-

David & Janet Carlson

Leaving for the missions trip

Uganda Team

This was taken by papyrus plants


Baptism in the Nile River

John & Pastor James Baptizing


church on Sunday

This is the worship service before David preached on Sunday.



Outside this church in Kasana

David preaching

David preaching from James 1:2-4.
(You can't see the bees swarming his head)

Crusade in Kasana

Crusade in Kasana - Notice that a single light bulb was hanging on a pole for light that was run by a portable generator while our team leader, John Pipes, shares the Gospel.


David in his exam room

David in his exam room. His translator was a nursing student, hoping to go to Medical School. That really helped in communicating with the patients!


David Examing patient

Another Day's Work. David was glad he didn't have to dictate notes on over 100 patients each day!

Medical clinic

To give you an idea of the Mobile Medical Clinic.
The sheet in the back divided the area for the exam room.


Fun Games

One of the High School Fun Games. The students loved this and the next day at the awards ceremony, they also heard the Gospel!

Jan & Baby Alina

Jan and Baby Alina who our class prayed for. She was born with a cleft palate that had been surgically corrected.


Jan conducting an exam

Jan taking blood pressure and medical history. Deb is filling out the form. After this we shared the gospel with each patient one-on-one.

Jim is organizing all of us!

Jim & Tom are handling crowd control. Jim organized our set up each day & he had the opportunity to share Christ with many Muslim men.


All luggage arrived!

All our luggage arrived along with all the medical supplies!

Kids and pictures

Jan showing the children a picture she had just taken of them.
The kids loved to see themselves!


Alina seeing patients

Dr. Alina Pipes first had the vision for this ministry in Uganda.
Here you see Moms & kids coming to the medical clinic.

The masses waiting

We found masses of people waiting before we even arrived and set up. Everyone looked for a spot in the shade away from the hot sun.


Patiently waiting

Patiently waiting to see the doctor.
The women came in such colorful clothing!

Doing a skin syphillis test

Tess & Nancy doing a skin syphilis test



Tess taking care of wounds

David's surgery

David conducting a surgery to remove a large mass from the patient's arm. Notice his head light used for seeing!


Mass removed

Mass that was removed.

Eyeglass Exams

Here Deb is examining a person for the correct strength "cheater glasses". Glasses are very popular to have in Uganda!


Jan & Tess

Jan & Tess quickly learned that 'sweeties' (Jolly Ranchers) & stickers drew a crowd of kids!

Traveling pharmacy

Bob's Mobile pharmacy - Trying to read Drs Carlson & Pipes handwriting!

Another pharmacy scene

Another pharmacy set up. Bob was the Pharmacist and Vikki helped when not conducting the women's seminar with Deb.


Jan & Muslim Woman

Muslim woman who prayed to receive Christ as her Savior & Lord!


Local Pharmacy

Here is the local pharmacy where we bought additional malaria medication

Woman making our lunch

A woman graciously making our lunch


Woman working in the fields

We saw women & children working the fields all the time.

Tom's Workshop

Tom's Workshop - so glad for battery operated tools! Building a pulpit.


A man & his wares

A typical scene on the village's main street.
A man has all his wares on his bike ready to sell